Day 4
WOD 160512
warm-up – Coach’s Choice… leave enough time for 34:00 of training
MAP 2…
A1. AMRAP 1:00 – calories AD, rest 1min then A2
A2. AMRAP 1:00 – deadlifts (not to exceed 135/95), rest 1min then A3
A3. AMRAP 1:00 – air squats… no rest, go immediately to A4
A4. 200m run…
rest to 11:00 on timer, then B’s
B1. AMRAP 1:00 – calories rower, rest 1min, then B2
B2. AMRAP 1:00 – shoulder to overhead (not to exceed 75/55), rest 1min then B3
B3. ARMAP 1:00 – bjsd/step-ups (24”/20”)… no rest, go immediately to B4
B4. 200m run…
rest to 22:00 on timer, then repeat A1+A2+A3+B1+B2+B3… 1:00 on, 1:00 off
C. post WOD body maintenance