170103 Tuesday

Day 2
WOD 170103

warm-up – Coach’s Choice

A1. wall ball cluster – 9. 9. 9. rest 10sec @ dots, then A2
A2. power clean cluster @ 60% of 1RM – 2. 2. 2. rest 10sec @ dots, then A3
A3. bjsd cluster (24”/20”) – 5. 5. 5, rest 10sec @ dots… rest 2min after 3rd set then back to A1, x 3
rest to 20:00 on timer, then B
B. 1 set @ high intensity… capped @ 11:00
1500m row
27 wall balls
6 power cleans @ 100% of A2
15 bjsd – 24”/20”
C. post WOD body maintenance

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