Day 2
WOD 170131
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Rx’d recovery = 2-3min row/bike @ warm-up/cool-down pace
A. perform workload @ 80-90% effort… barbells not to exceed 135/95
1:00 burpees to target, then 2 rounds of:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder to overhead
rest to 10:00 on timer, then B
B. perform workload @ 80-90% effort
1:00 burpees to target, then 2 rounds of:
12 kb swings – 32kg/24kg
9 wall balls
6 pull-ups
rest to 20:00 on timer, then C
C. perform workload @ 80-90% effort
1:00 burpees to target, then 2 rounds of:
1 rope ascent
7 g2oh… barbell @ 100% of “A”
50 double unders – OR – 40sec attempts
D. post WOD body maintenance