Day 1
WOD 170220
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Choose training option that feels good in your belly!
Option 1: 20 back squats… unbroken set, maintain controlled tempo… add 5-10# from 170213
Rx’d recovery for Option 1: EMOM 5:00… 7-10 burpees
Option 2: 3 x 3 front squats @ 33X3 tempo, squat @ 0:00, 2:30, 5:00… 3rd set should be 5-10# heavier than 170213
rest to 15:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 6:00 @ 90% effort… barbells not to exceed 115/75
6 sdhp
9 burpee box jump/step-up – 24”/20”
30 double unders – OR – 100 singles
rest 3min, then C
C. AMRAP 6:00 @ 90% effort… barbells not to exceed 115/75
6 shoulder to overhead
9 t2b/k2e/hkr
30 double unders – OR – 100 singles
D. post WOD body maintenance