Day 4
WOD 170518
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 10sec bike sprint + 5 burpees @ 100% effort… work every 2:30
(0:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00)
(A1.) Primary Lift make-up day… 12-9-6-3… work every 3min
rest to 15:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 17:00 @ 80-90% effort
200’ farmer’s carry
20 db g2oh, total reps, alt arms… not to exceed 50/35
200m run
10 overhead lunges, total reps, alt legs… use your g2oh db!
30sec loaded wall sit… w/same db!
C. post WOD stretch