Day 3
WOD 170712
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Athlete’s can start at any given station… but must stay in order
Workloads prescribed @ 80-90% effort
A. (@ 0:00, 14:00) 1:00 row, rest 1min then B
B. (@ 2:00, 16:00) 1:00 db g2oh (50/35), rest 1min, then C
C. (@ 4:00, 18:00) 1:00 bike, rest 1min then D
D. (@ 6:00, 20:00) 1:00 goblet squats w/db (50/35), rest 1min, then E
E. (@ 8:00, 22:00) 1:00 burpees
9:00-14:00 – rest walk 200m, then back to A
23:00-25:00 – rest walk 200’, then F
F. EMOM 5:00
200m run + FLR to top of minute if time allows
G. post WOD recovery