Day 1
WOD 170731
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Primary Lift – barbell thruster
4 x 8 unbroken reps… all sets @ final weight from 170725
rest b/t sets = 60sec FLR
work every 3min… 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00
rest to 12:00 on timer, then Bs
B1. 12-15 strict push-ups @ 21X1 tempo… rest 30sec, then B2
B2. 10-12 strict ring row @ 20X1 tempo… rest 30sec, then back to B1, x 3
when timer gets to 22:00, be ready for C
C. AMRAP 10:00 @ 90% effort… dumbbells nte 50/35
5 pull-ups/jpu/ring row
10 db hang power cleans
15 wall balls
D. post WOD recovery