Day 2
WOD 170801
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 8:00
evens – 8 dumbbell chest press @ 30X1 tempo
odds – 150m row
rest to 10:00, then Bs
B1. 6-8 single arm row each arm… rest 30sec, then B2
B2. 10 RFESS each leg @ 30X1 tempo, no external load… rest 30sec, then back to B1, x 3
when timer gets to 20:00, be ready for C… athletes can start @ C or D
C. 4:00 workload performed @ high intensity
1:00 – max calories Assault Bike, then in remaining time…
AMRAP – 10 kb swings (24kg/16kg) + 10 burpees
rest exactly 2min, then D
D. 4:00 workload performed @ high intensity
200m sprint, then in remaining time
AMRAP – 5 wall climbs + 10 pistols… (sub = 10 hrpu + 20 air squats)
E. post WOD recovery