Day 4
WOD 170914
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 3 sets @ 90% aerobic effort
@ 0:00, 4:30, 9:00 – 200m run
@ 1:30, 6:00, 10:30 – 10cal/7cal AB sprint
@ 3:00, 7:30, 12:00 – 150m/100m row sprint
(A1) Primary Lift Make-up Day – Barbell Thruster… working out of racks is acceptable!
5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
30sec farmer’s carry hold @ dots… work every 3min… (0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00)
rest to 18:00 on timer, prep for B
B. 4 sets @ 90% effort
18 bjsd – 24”/20”
15 ohs – OR – 15 front squats… nte 95/65
9 pull-ups/jpu/ring row
6 wall climbs (inchworm push-ups)
C. post WOD recovery