Day 4
WOD 180111
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 3:00 bike or row @ 90% effort… then go immediately to A2
A2. AMRAP 2:00 – 10 db g2oh + 10 burpees… rest to 7:00 on timer, then B1
B1. 3:00 bike or row @ 90% effort… then go immediately to B2
B2. AMRAP 2:00 – 10 db g2oh + 20 double unders… rest to 14:00 on timer, then C1
C1. 3:00 bike or row @ 90% effort… then go immediately to C2
C2. AMRAP 2:00 – 10 db g2oh + 5 pulling reps (athlete’s choice)… rest to 21:00 on timer, then D1
D1. 3:00 bike or row @ 90% effort… then go immediately to D2
D2. AMRAP 2:00 – 10 db g2oh + 10 wall balls
E. post WOD recovery