Day 3
WOD 180418
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 10sec Assault Bike Sprint @ 100% effort… no rest b/t A1 & A2
A2. 1 set unbroken strict pulling reps (ring row, pull-ups, muscle-ups)… rest to 3:00 on timer, then back to A1 x 5… (0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00)
rest to 18:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 4:00 @ 90% effort… barbells nte 135/95
15 deadlifts
15 hrpu
rest 2min, then C
C. AMRAP 3:00 @ 90% effort… barbells nte 135/95
9 hang power cleans
9 wall balls
rest 2min, then D
D. AMRAP 2:00 @ 90% effort… barbells nte 135/95
6 shoulder to overhead
6 t2b/k2e/hkr
E. post WOD recovery