Day 3
WOD 190206
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 1:00 – air squats… rest 1:00, then A2
A2. 1:00 – db push press… rest 1:00, then A3
A3. 1:00 – overhead/goblet lunges (use one db)… rest 1:00, then A4
A4. 1:00 – pull-ups/ring rows… rest 1:00, then back to A1, x 2
rest to 20:00 on timer, then B
B. 10:00 @ 90% effort
1250m row/ski – OR – 2mile bike
burpee step-ups until time expires… nte 24”
C. post WOD… accumulate 5:00 core holds