Day 4
Partner WOD 190221
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Teams can start at A or B… Teams do C at same time
A. EMOM 10:00
Assault Bike calories + overhead plate hold (45/25)
(Athlete A bikes, while Athlete B holds plate… athletes switch every minute on the minute)
*one bumper plate per team
**if plate is dropped at any time, team must execute 10 penalty burpees (5/5)
rest to 12:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 10:00
3 pull-ups/ring rows + 6 push-ups + 9 squats + deadlift barbell hold (95/65)
(Athlete A executes 3+6+9, while Athlete B holds top of deadlift)
*one barbell per team
**if barbell is dropped at any time, team must execute 10 penalty burpees (5/5)
rest to 25:00
C. AMRAP 5:00
wall balls…
*each athlete must do at least one wall ball rep
**Athlete A wall balls, while athlete B holds FLR
***if wall ball is dropped at any time, team must execute 10 penalty burpees (5/5)
D. post WOD recovery