Day 5
WOD 190705
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 30sec row/ski… rest 30sec, then A2
A2. 30sec shuttle run… rest 30sec, then A3
A3. 30sec bike… rest 30sec, then back to A1, x 3
rest to 10:00 on timer, then B
B1. AMRAP 30sec – burpees… rest 30sec, then B2
B2. AMRAP 30sec – double unders/singles… rest 30sec, then B3
B3. AMRAP 30sec – ring rows… rest 30sec, then back to B1, x 3
rest to 25:00 on timer, then C
C. On a running clock… 30sec on, 30sec off of:
shuttle run
double unders/singles
ring rows
D. post WOD recovery