Day 1
WOD 191202
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 6 RFESS each leg @ 30X1 tempo… rest 30sec, then A2
A2. 10 unbroken, strict db curl & press, both arms same time… rest to 3:30, then back to A1, x 3
(A1 @ 0:00, 3:30, 7:00)
rest to 11:00 on timer, then B
B. EMOM 6:00
odds – AMRAP 30sec – strict push-ups
evens – AMRAP 30sec – strict ring rows
rest to 22:00 on timer, then C
C. 1 set for time… capped @ 8:00
100 air squats
50 burpees
25 bjsd @ 24”/20”
D. post WOD recovery