Day 1
WOD 200323
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 4 power cleans + 12 burpees over bar (lateral)… build bar each set, work every 3min
(0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00)
rest to 18:00 on timer, then B
B. Complete workload for total reps… work @ 90% effort
5:00 – medball step-ups
4:00 – db g2oh… nte 50/35
3:00 – row/bike/ski
2:00 – wall balls
1:00 – jump rope
C. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym modifications
A. dual or single arm db power cleans + burpees over db
B. 3:00 – 30sec run in place + 30sec mt. climbers for 3min
2:00 – goblet squats or air squats
1:00 – hopping with hip taps
No Equipment WOD 200323
Tabata Stuff
8 x 20sec on/10sec off – air squats
8 x 20sec on/10sec off – sit-ups
8 x 20sec on/10sec off – push-ups
8 x 20sec on/10sec off – lunges
70% effort in cold garage gym… moving slow today!
A. 95# for all sets
B. 185 total reps… subbed 20″ box jumps for double unders
70% effort in cold garage gym… moving slow today!
A. 95# for all sets
B. 185 total reps… subbed 20″ box jumps for double unders