Day 1
WOD 200406
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
(work to increase loads from 200325… if unable to load appropriately, focus on increasing tempo to 44X1)
A1. 3 front squats @ 33X1 tempo… no rest b/t A1 & A2
A2. 5 high box jumps… no rest b/t A2 & A3
A3. 7 strict dual dumbbell press… rest to 3:30 on timer, then back to A1, x 3
(A1 @ 0:00, 3:30, 7:00)
rest to 12:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% effort
10 db power snatches
10 med ball cleans
rest 2min, then C
C. AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% effort
10/10 single arm db push press
20 overhead lunges w/db
rest 2min, then D
D. AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% effort
renegade devil presses
E. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A1. focus on increasing tempo with whatever load you have access to
A2. tuck jumps if no box
A3. single arm presses if only 1 db
B. kb snatches if no db… squat jumps if no med ball
C. use kb if no db
D. if only 1 db or kb… execute 1 push-up + 1 devil press each arm
No Equipment WOD 200406
A. For Time… 20:00 cap
100 no push-up, no jump burpees
75 air squats
50 hrpu
25 v-ups or hollow rocks
B. 5-10 of being still