Day 1
WOD 200420
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 1 set of complex @ high intensity… rest 2min b/t sets
12 deadlifts + 3 burpees over bar
9 hang power cleans + 3 burpees over bar
6 shoulder to overhead + 3 burpees over bar
(barbell load is athlete’s choice… reps should be unbroken)
rest 5min after 5th set, then B
B1. 8 x tabata bottom-to-bottom squats… no rest after 8th set, then B2
B2. 400m run/jog/walk
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no barbell, execute complex with kb or db… if you have a pair of dbs, use both… if you have a single db or kb, do 6/6 suitcase deadlifts, 4/4 hang power cleans, 3/3 shoulder to overhead
No Equipment WOD 200420
AMRAP 10:00
1 sit-up, stand-up
5 burpees
10 squats
rest 5min
AMRAP 10:00
20 curtsy squats
10 push-up alternate toe touches
5 no push-up inchworms