Day 5
WOD 200424
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Execute 10 sets of the following DB/KB complex… right side + left side = 1 set
5 single arm deadlifts + 5 hang clean & jerks + 5 single arm thrusters + 4 single arm overhead lunges
rest 5min after 10th set, then B
B. 5:00 of core holds… Athlete’s Choice
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
-no modifications needed!
No Equipment WOD 200424
3:00 Abs!
rest as needed, then
5 sets @ high intensity
20 air squats
20 lunges
20 speed skaters (lateral lunges)
20 squat jumps
30sec FLR
rest b/t sets = work time