Day 1
WOD 200518
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 6-8 Barbell RDL @ controlled tempo… rest 30sec, then A2
A2. 8-10 sdhp… rest 30sec, then A3
A3. 6-8 front rack reverse lunges, total reps, alternate legs… rest 60-90sec, then back to A1, x 4
rest as needed after 4th set, then B
B. Tabata kb swings
8 x 20sec work/10sec rest
rest as needed after 8th set, then C
C. 1 set, not for time… partition as desired
20 tgu @ moderate to light load
30 shoulder to overhead… load is athlete’s choice
5:00 FLR
D. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no barbell, use kb or db and do single leg/single arm reps
B. if no kb, swing db
C. if no barbell, do single arm sh2oh (15/15)
No Equipment WOD 200518
3 sets
60sec – lunge, lunge, burpee
60sec – rest
60sec – clapping push-ups (push-ups + shoulder taps as sub)
60sec – rest
60sec – squat jumps
120sec – rest