Day 5
WOD 200703
A. 1 set every 3min, x 3
AMRAP 90sec
30sec – row/bike/ski
30sec – med ball squats
30sec – deadlift hold… nte 95/65
R1work @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00
rest to 12:00, then B
B. 1 set every 3min, x 3
AMRAP 90sec
30sec – overhead barbell hold… nte 95/65
30sec – med ball squats
30sec – row/bike/ski
work @ 12:00, 15:00, 18:00
rest to 24:00, then C
C. @ 24:00 & 30:00 – repeat “A” workload… @ 27:00 & 33:00 – repeat “B” workload
D. post WOD recovery