Day 5
WOD 201002
Repeat WOD 191112
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 3:00 @ 90% effort
100 double unders/singles
AMRAP until time expires…
5 power cleans (95/65)
5 burpees over bar
rest to 6:00 on timer, then A2
A2. 3:00 @ 90% effort
30 bjsd/step-ups (24”/20”)
AMRAP until time expires…
5 sdhp (95/65)
5 burpees over bar
rest to 14:00 on timer, then B
B1. 3:00 @ 90% effort
100 double unders/singles
AMRAP until time expires…
3/3 db hang clean & jerks (50/35)
5 t2b
rest to 20:00 on timer, then B2
B2. 3:00 @ 90% effort
30 bjsd/step-ups (24”/20”)
AMRAP until time expires…
6 db power snatches (50/35)
5 goblet squats w/db
rest to 28:00 on timer, then C
C. AMRAP 3:00 @ max effort
5 power cleans
3/3 db hang clean & jerks
5 sdhp
6 db power snatches
D. post WOD recovery