110823 Day 2
Day 2WOD CFG Open WOD 5AMRAP in 20:00 of:5 power cleans – 145/10010 t2b15 wall ball crossfit.com
Day 2WOD CFG Open WOD 5AMRAP in 20:00 of:5 power cleans – 145/10010 t2b15 wall ball crossfit.com
Day 1WOD AMRAP in 5:00 of:21 sdhp – 95/6521 box jumps – 24"/20" rest exactly 1:00 AMRAP in 4:00 of:15 squat cleans – 95/6515 ring dips rest exactly 1:00 AMRAP in 3:00 of:9 thrusters – 95/659 pull-ups crossfit.com
When I go, I feel better. It’s that simple. People ask why we CrossFit – and I could give all sorts of high-faluting, multisyllabic, compound phrase answers and none of it comes down to the real heart, the real truth of the matter: when I CrossFit, I feel better. Hell, after I CrossFit I feel
110821 RedShed Rest Day Read More »
Strength for Week of 1108223,3,3,3,3power cleandeadlift ShedKickers for Week of 110822 SK1_For time:21-15-9front squat – 165/110ctb pull-ups SK2_4 rounds for time of:25 hspu15 “L” pull-ups5 power cleans – 175/115 SK3_For time:60 wall ball30 muscle-ups60 ghd sit-ups150 double unders(partitioning not allowed) CFE: C2: 3×3-minute intervals Run: 3x600m sprint Recovery: 3 minutes in between intervals Record:
Strength, ShedKickers and CFE for Week of 110822 Read More »
Save the date! Next Friday, 8/26 Brendan's Farewell WOD and gathering Day 6WOD "The Real McCoy"5 rounds for time of:30 wall ball40 double unders (160 singles) Happy Birthday Deb!! crossfit.com
Save the date! Next Friday, 8/26 Brendan's Farewell WOD and gathering Day 5 WOD CFG Open WOD 4AMRAP in 10:00 of:60 bar-facing burpees30 ohs – 120/9010 muscle-ups(sub for 10 muscle-ups = 20 ctb pull-ups & 20 ring dips) crossfit.com
Day 4Active Rest Day Set your watch for 30:00 and go for a run… moderate intensity! What if you’re not what society calls sexy? What if you’re chubby — what if you’re fat, or uncoordinated, or a fashion victim, or you’re not very athletic? What then? Should you even do CrossFit? It’s “Forging
110818 Active Rest Day Read More »
Day 3WOD For time:400m sandbag carry (sbc)21 front squats – 155/100400m sbc15 front squats400m sbc9 front squats400m sbc crossfit.com
Day 2WOD AMRAP in 20:00 of:15 ring push-ups50 abmat sit-ups15 burpee box jumps – 24"/20" crossfit.com
Day 1WOD For time:21-18-15-12-9-6-3squat cleans – 95/65t2b cash-out = 100 double unders (400 singles) crossfit.com