120505 Day 6
Day 6WOD 120505 AMRAP in 12:00 of:15 ring dips25 kb sdhp – 32kg/24kg35 double unders (x4 singles) 7:30-8:30 – WOD 8:30-10:00 – New Athletes 10:30-11:30 – WOD Shed CLOSES at 12 PM Today. Last WOD STARTS at 11:30. crossfit.com
Day 6WOD 120505 AMRAP in 12:00 of:15 ring dips25 kb sdhp – 32kg/24kg35 double unders (x4 singles) 7:30-8:30 – WOD 8:30-10:00 – New Athletes 10:30-11:30 – WOD Shed CLOSES at 12 PM Today. Last WOD STARTS at 11:30. crossfit.com
Day 5WOD 120504 "KaRandy"5 rounds for time of:30 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target15 power snatch – 75/55 Rock on CF Greensboro Team at the Mid-Atlantic Regionals! crossfit.com
Day 4Strength 120503 back squat, strict press, deadlift5 @ 55%5 @ 65%max reps @ 75% Barbell ProgressionsCore/Mobility Work crossfit.com
Day 3WOD 120502 For time:21-18-15-12-9-6-3kb swings – 32kg/24kgbox jumps – 24"/20", must stand tall at top of box (for kb swing… we are looking for the ear!… straight line from wrist to elbow to shoulder… kb does not need to be completely inverted, but arms must be locked out… coaches will be distributing "no reps"!!!
Day 2WOD 120501 5 rounds for time of:15 clean 2 overhead – 95/6520 pull-ups crossfit.com