120815 Day 3
Day 3WOD 120815 For time:60 sandbag walking lunges, total steps50 abmat sit-ups40 h-r push-ups30 med ball cleans20 pistols, total – alternating legs400m run crossfit.com
Day 3WOD 120815 For time:60 sandbag walking lunges, total steps50 abmat sit-ups40 h-r push-ups30 med ball cleans20 pistols, total – alternating legs400m run crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 120814BT Session #4, 6am *clock runs continuously for 20:00*EMOM for 10:003 strict press5 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target when clock hits 10:00… For time: 10:00 CAP50 burpees jumping onto 15# plate150 double unders (attempts = completed reps up to 20:00 on the clock) crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 120813 4 rounds of:1:00 max back squats – 205/1351:00 max pull-ups2:00 rest cash-out = 800m run or 1000m row, starts after final 2:00 rest to ensure max effort clock runs continuously… score equals total squats/total pull-ups/CFE time crossfit.com
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Holder MS, Exercise Science 13 years experience coaching sports and movement Redshed has truly forged a great community of passionate and people, and this reflected in the daily progress that everybody makes. I am enormously grateful to be able to call myself a Redshed coach, and look forward to helping each
RedShed Rest Day Please make note of some changes at the shed that will begin tomorrow… in an attempt to go green, and reduce the waste we clean up every night in the shed. free gum?… if you want your sweet mint orbit, you're gonna have to pay for it or
ShedKickers Week of 120813 CFWE SK_For time:50′ yoke carry 3 rounds of:3 rope ascents10 clean & jerk – 185 50′ yoke carry SK_ WEDNESDAY ONLYAMRAP in 20:00 of:8 hspu – men stack 45’s & 25’s, head to abmat… women stack (2) 25’s, head to abmat8 pistols – total, alternating legs8 squat snatch – 125/90
Day 6WOD 120811 7:30am-8:30am = WOD 8:30am-9:30am – Intro Session 9:30am-10:30am – Basic Training Session 3 10:30am-12:00pm = WOD For time: AMRAP in 5:00 of:double unders when clock hits 5:00… 3 rounds of:15 power snatch – 75/555 burpee bar hops15 ohs – 75/555 burpee bar hops15 hang squat snatch – 75/555 burpee bar hops
Day 5WOD 120810 10:00 pressing practiceaccumulate 30 reps of overhead press (strict, push press or push jerk), never doing more than 3 reps unbroken (no racks)… when clock hits 10:00… 5:00 inversion practiceget upside down and hold hspu at full extension or headstand for as long as possible in 5:00 when clock hits 15:00… For
Day 3WOD 120808 5 rounds for time of:20 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target200m sandbag carry5 wall climbs Happy Birthday Alyssa! crossfit.com