121114 Day 3
Day 3WOD 121114 AMRAP in 18:00 of:15 box jumps – 24"/20", games standards12 push press – 115/759 t2b crossfit.com
Day 3WOD 121114 AMRAP in 18:00 of:15 box jumps – 24"/20", games standards12 push press – 115/759 t2b crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 121113Basic Training 6-7am EMOM for 5:00 of:1 back squat2 wall climbs or 5 inchworms @ 5:00… AMRAP in 3:00 of:burpees – onto 45# plate, chest and legs must hit the floor and your head must be behind the plate (not over it!) Rest 2:00@ 10:00… 5 rounds for time of:5 squat snatch from
Day 1WOD 121112 5 rounds of:1:00 – row for max calories1:00 – rest @ 10:00… 5:00 to establish 1RM weighted pull-up @ 15:00… AMRAP in 5:00 of:3 hang squat cleans – 175/11512 k2e crossfit.com
ShedKickers Week of 121112 CFWE SK_AMRAP in 10:00 of:50′ yoke carry3 rope ascents6 thrusters – 185 Mens’ SK_ WEDNESDAY ONLYFor Time:45 muscle-ups25 ohs – 155partition as desired Women’s SK_ WEDNESDAY ONLYFor time:30 ctb pull-ups30 unassisted dips20 ohs – 105 partition as desired
Modified Hours due to AMRAP competition! WOD with Coach Colin today, WOD to be posted at the shed!! Heat times will be: 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00 crossfit.com
121110 Day 6 (Modified Hours Today) Read More »
Day 5WOD 121109 EMOM for 5:00 of:1 back squat5 box jumps – 30"/24" @ 5:00… AMRAP in 8:00 of:9 push press – 135/95 (out of racks)12 hrpu21 back/hip extensions Rest exactly 2:00…@ 15:00… EMOM for 5:00 of:1 front squat30 double unders or 5 box jumps – 30"/24" crossfit.com
Day 3WOD 121107 For time: (20:00 CAP)snatch (any way) – 2500#/1500#30 pistols (total)50 ring push-ups70 pull-upspartition as desired 2500# options:75#-33 reps95#-26 reps115#-22 reps135#-18 reps 1500# options:45#-33 reps65#-23 reps75#-20 reps85#-18 reps95#-16 reps crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 121106Basic Training Session#1, 6-7am EMOM for 5:00 of:1 ohs 5:00 of inversion (head or handstand hold) @ 10:00… For time:30-20-10wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' targetghd sit-upskb swings – 24kg/16kg crossfit.com