121105 Day 1
Day 1WOD 121105 3 rounds of:3:00 – 400m run + max reps of power cleans – 165/1102:00 – rest @ 15:00… AMRAP in 5:00 of:5 deadlifts – 255/18010 burpees bar hops crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 121105 3 rounds of:3:00 – 400m run + max reps of power cleans – 165/1102:00 – rest @ 15:00… AMRAP in 5:00 of:5 deadlifts – 255/18010 burpees bar hops crossfit.com
RedShed Rest Day Attention all who are interested in participating in November's Basic Training… it begins on Tuesday morning at 6am!! See you then!!
Good Luck to all of the Garden State Gamers today!! 7:30-11:00, WOD (last heat @ 10:30) (November Basic Training Session starts Tuesday Morning) Day 6WOD 121103 AMRAP in 10:00 of:thrusters – 95/65perform 5 burpees EMOM, starting at 0:00 crossfit.com
Day 5 WOD 121102 EMOM for 5:00 of:1 back squat AMRAP in 5:00 of:calories – rower @ 10:00… For time:21-15-9wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' targethspu box jumps – 30"/24" crossfit.com
Day 4121101 We are going to ATTEMPT to be open 4-7 for a WOD today… all depends on whether or not we can find gas. We will post in comments either way… so please check the website or send a text to a Coach. WOD will be: EMOM for 5:00 of: 1 front squat @