130313 Day 3
Day 3WOD 130313 5 rounds for time of:12 hspu30 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target350m row Ally's Message for 13.2: crossfit.com
Day 3WOD 130313 5 rounds for time of:12 hspu30 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target350m row Ally's Message for 13.2: crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 1303126-7am, Basic Training7-8am, Coach's Hour For time:21-15-9ohsbox jumpspull-ups(perform ?? double unders after each triplet) cash-out = 50 abmat sit-ups L1 – 75/45, 20"/20", 100 singles or 20 double undersL2 – 95/65, 24"/20", 35 double undersSK – 115/85, 30"/24", 100 double unders crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 130311 Accumulate 30 front squats in 10:00, never doing more than 2 consecutive reps… @ 10:00… 8 rounds of:tabata hrb @ 15:00… 3 rounds for time of:10 power cleans20 t2b L1 – 95/65L2 – 135/95SK – 165/115 crossfit.com
RedShed Rest Day! Awesomeness! Just a quick note regarding Thursdays in March and April… 5-7pm is for CFG Open WOD practice only… it IS NOT open gym. The Coaches present on Thursdays will be there to help you prepare for the Open WOD (it's not free time to work on your goats
Day 6 WOD 130309 7:30-8:30, WOD8:30-9:30, Intro Session9:30-10:30, Basic Training10:30-12:00, WOD EMOM for 5:00 of:3 hspu4 hrpu5 abmat sit-ups rest to 6:00… "Karen"For time:150 wall balls – 20/14 @ 10' target crossfit.com
Day 5WOD 130308 CF Games Open WOD 13.1 Happy Birthday Steve & Justin!!! Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of: 40 Burpees Snatch, 30 reps 30 Burpees Snatch, 30 reps 20 Burpees Snatch, 30 reps 10 burpees Snatch, as many reps as possible L1 – 75/45,
Day 3WOD 130306 8 rounds, tabata mash-up of:shoulder to overhead – 75/45jump rope rest to 10:00… 2 rounds for time of:500m row30 hrb Ally's Message for 13.1: crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 130305Basic Training, 6-7amCoach's Hour, 7-8am AMRAP in 18:00 of:16 squats12 abmat sit-ups8 hrpu4 pull-ups crossfit.com
Welcome to Week 1 of The Open! The Open is Upon Us Day 1WOD 130304 3 rounds of:2:00 – 5 kb swings + 200m run + max effort hrb1:00 – rest rest to 10:00… AMRAP in 10:00 of:squat clean thrusters-> 5 box jump up & over – 24"/20" EMOM, starting at minute zero <-