130611 Day 2
Day 2WOD 130611Coach's Hour 7-8am EMOM for 10:00 of:2 wall climbs5 wall ball @ 10:00… AMRAP in 20:00 of:250m row25 hrpu Awesome ShedHead Dads Week! crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 130611Coach's Hour 7-8am EMOM for 10:00 of:2 wall climbs5 wall ball @ 10:00… AMRAP in 20:00 of:250m row25 hrpu Awesome ShedHead Dads Week! crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 130610 3 rounds of:1:00 – back squats1:00 – pull-ups1:00 – rest rest to 11:00… For time:15-12-9hang cleans – w/back squat barbell wt.box jumps L1 – 95/65, assisted/kipping pull-ups, 20" box jumpL2 – 135/95, assisted/kipping pull-ups, 24" box jumpSK – 165/115, strict pull-ups, 30" box jump Awesome ShedHead Dads Week! crossfit.com
Day 6WOD 130608 7:30-8:30, WOD8:30-9:30, Intro Session9:30-11:00, Basic Training Session 211:00, 12:00, WOD Complete for time, or as much of this workload as possible in 15:00, partition as desired:2000m row50 pull-ups100 box jumps – 24"/20"100 abmat sit-ups Good Luck at the Mid-Atlantic Regionals Brendan!! crossfit.com
Day 5WOD 130607 5 rounds of:1:00 – max effort overhead press + max effort squats (choose a barbell weight and press until failure… if you hit failure before the minute is up, drop the bar and start squatting)1:00 – rest L1 – 75/45L2 – 95/65L3 – 115/85SK – 135/95 @ 10:00… AMRAP in 5:00 of:thrusters
Day 3WOD 130605 AMRAP in 20:00 of:400m run20 wall ball – 20/14 @ 10' target15 kb swings – L1-16kg, L2-24kg, SK-32kg10 t2b Ally's Message for the Mid-Atlantic Regionals: crossfit.com
Day 2WOD 130604Coach's Hour, 7-8am 5 rounds of:2:00 – 5 pull-ups + 10 hrpu + 15 squats + max effort double unders1:00 – rest @ 15:00… For time:30 power snatch3 box jump EMOM L1 – 75/45, 20"L2 – 95/65, 24"SK – 125/85, 30" crossfit.com
Day 1WOD 130603 EMOM for 10:00 of:2 unbroken squat cleans-you must control the bar for 2 reps- @ 10:00… 5 rounds for time of:5 deadlifts – using your EMOM barbell weight20 hrb bar hops crossfit.com
RedShed Rest Day Congrats May Basic Training Athletes!!! RedShed 3.0 Update: We are in the last month of our time at the current shed. We will be working hard to complete all construction on RedShed 3.0, in order to be ready for final inspections in a few weeks. Our goal