131010 Thursday
Day 4WOD 131010
Day 4WOD 131010 warm-up30 hrb -mobilize- WOD…AMRAP in 20:00 of:500m row100’ sled push15 ghd sit-ups
Day 3WOD 131009 Got some news for you, ShedHeads!! The next Friday Night Lights has been announced… There are two spots reserved for RedShed Teams… We will be posting info at the shed soon… Stay tuned
Day 3WOD 131009 warm-upAMRAP in 5:00 of: (moderate resistance, moderate intensity)10 walking lunges (total steps)10 ring rows10 med ball cleans -mobilize- WOD…EMOM for 10:00 of:4 push press w/3 second hold at top of the press @ 10:00…AMRAP in 3:00 of:ring dips rest 2:00 @ 15:00…3 rounds of:unbroken wall ballsunbroken pulling movement L1 – modified/Rx’d pull-upsRx’d
Day 2WOD 131008 warm-up5:00 “Cindy”5:00 –mobilize- WOD…5:00 – max effort row2:00 – rest5:00 – max effort hang snatch2:00 – rest5:00 – max effort hrb pull-ups2:00 – rest5:00 – max effort squat clean L1 – 75/45L2 – 95/65Rx’d – 115/75SK – 135/95
Day 1WOD 131007 warm-up2:00 partner wall ballthen…accumulate 25 ghd sit-ups & 25 back extensions -mobilize- 10:00 – find heavy RM of power clean 2:00 – rest (coach’s will explain %’s for EMOM) EMOM for 20:00 of:even minutes – 4 power cleans (touch & go)odd minutes – 7 t2b @ 20:00…race to 30 burpees (no hand
SwineFest II!!! A lot of new faces, families and friends!… and a much bigger pig!! We are all on a journey (whether we like it or not!!), and for some reason… the paths we chose have brought us together. For me, it is always pretty cool to reflect on the shed when I get a