131005 SwineFest II
Day 6WOD 131005
131005 SwineFest II Read More »
Day 5WOD 131004 warm-up = coach’s choice 5:00 – mobility “the pre-pig workload”complete the following for time:5 rounds of:12 kb swings24 squats12 t2b-perform max effort double unders or singles on every 3rd minute, starting at minute zero… (0, 3, 6, 9… and so on) L1 – 16kgRx’d – 24kgSK – 32kg
Day 4WOD 131003 warm-up/mobility For time or 30:00 to complete the following workload of:2000m rowrest 3:00150 double unders (450 singles)rest 2:0050 hrbrest 1:0040 pull-ups
Day 3WOD 131002 5:00 – 1 hrb, 2 walking lunges5:00 – mobility AMRAP in 25:00 of:5 wall ball5 ohs1 rope ascent (6 plank ascents)-add 5 reps to the wall balls and ohs every round-add 1 rope ascent every round (or add 2 plank ascents every round) L1 – 75/45L2 – 95/65Rx’d – 115/75SK – 135/95
Day 2WOD 131001 warm-up:“Jeremy”21-15-9ohs w/pvc pipeburpees (no hand-release) 5:00 – mobility 10:00 to find your single rep max of a squat clean rest 2:00 AMRAP in 10:00 of:5 squat cleans @ 65%7 hspu rest 1:00 @ 11:00…race to 100 double unders or 300 singles