Welcome to 2014! (no floating cars yet!)
Our first event for 2014 will be another in-house RedShed FNL/Paleo Pot Luck on Friday February 7th… arrive at 6:30pm, we will pick teams randomly… do a few WODs, then eat some good food with good people! (there will be a sign-up sheet posted at the shed).
Next, we would like to offer up another Oly training session. This would take place 2 Saturdays each month, and be 90 minutes in duration, 8:00am – 9:30am. BUT… we will only move forward with this if (and only if) the response is positive. Please use the blog today and let us know if you want this addtional Oly session. (There are over 70 of you, so we need to see at least half of you respond for this to happen… hear the call?)
Finally, The Open…We are going to do it… we always have. Does that mean that you have to? No, it doesn’t. BUT… during The Open, we program the WODs every Friday… and we scale them for those who are not competing. Point is, we are going to be doing the WODs anyway, so why not drop $20 and join the team, and see how you do in our beloved Northeast Region? As we get closer to The Open, we will communicate what you will need to do on your end to participate. Janine did a great job recapping 2013, and you can watch all 5 of the WODs we did last year. Now that we are in our new space, it should be that much better and a lot more fun!
Take a moment and click on shed-i-quette… let’s start off this new year on the right foot.
Snow… it’s out of our control. Closing the gym is never something we like to do, but when things are out of our control, all we ask is that you practice a little bit of understanding before posting your disappointment on the blog or facebook. Weather can be an inconvenience for all of us… that’s just how it works in the Northeast.
Kids… there’s no reason for us to be the bad guy here… drawing on furniture, jumping on the furniture, throwing things and screaming just won’t be tolerated. Zero tolerance. Hopefully that message is crystal clear, and we don’t have to take the lounge away from your kids.
So… don’t forget to post on the blog if you want that extra Oly session… and keep February 7th open for our in-house FNL.
Happy Rest Day!