140213 Thursday
Day 4WOD 140213 All classes are cancelled. Here's a good read on a snow day… (hint, hint… endurance WODs will be more frequent in coming weeks!)
Day 4WOD 140213 All classes are cancelled. Here's a good read on a snow day… (hint, hint… endurance WODs will be more frequent in coming weeks!)
Day 4WOD 140213Snow Day Home WOD AMRAP in 20:00 of: 5 hspu 10 squats 15 sit-ups -scale up and make the 10's squat jumps-
Day 3WOD 140212 warm-up – Coach’s Choice EMOM for 10:00 of:10 hrpu5 wall balls rest 5:00, set up barbells, plates and bumpers Complete the following workload according to suggested levels, while adding 5# after each completed round… scale accordinglyL1 – 75/45Rx’d – 95/65SK – 135/95 For time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, unbroken power cleans1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, t2b/k2e (sub X2 abmat sit-ups)cash-out
Day 2WOD 140211 warm-up – Coach’s Choice 5:00 partner burpee box jumps/step-ups – 20” box, no hand-release 2:00 row – 85-90% max effortrest in the seat for 90 seconds2:00 row – 100% max effortrest walk for 5:00, record total distance rest accordingly prior to starting WOD (if 5:00 is not enough) AMRAP in 12:00 of:double
Day 1WOD 140210 warm-up – Coach’s Choice EMOM for 10:00 of:on the evens – 150m rowon the odds – overhead plate hold – 45/25… please DO NOT slam plates on the floor rest 5:00, set up barbells and prepare for the following levels:L1 – 35% of bodyweight, pull-upsRx’d – 45% bodyweight, “L” pull-upsSK – 55%
Remember the process… There’s a learning curve! I got a great question this weekend while teaching Basic Training. “Are you still progressing?” I had to stop for a moment and really think about it before I just blurted out an automatic “YES!” It force me to re-evaluate for that brief moment and take some
The CrossFit Learning Curve Read More »