140304 Tuesday
Day 2WOD 140304
Day 2WOD 140304 warm-up – Coach’s Choice press stimulus: no racks0:00-1:30 – 10 unbroken strict press1:30-3:00 – 10 unbroken push press3:00-4:30 – 10 unbroken push jerks @ 5:00…30 burpee box jumps w/step-down (24”/20”) unbroken, step-ups acceptable, 75-85% effort (no score, just try to keep moving until you get to 30!) -rest 5:00-8:00- AMRAP in 10:00
Day 1WOD 140303 warm-up – Coach’s Choice squat stimulus:0:00-1:30 – 10 unbroken back squats1:30-3:00 – 10 unbroken front squats3:00-4:00 – 10 unbroken ohs-load barbell @ 65-85% of your bodyweight-goal is to get 10 reps unbroken, unassisted @ 5:00…50 burpees unbroken, 75-85% effort (no score… just try to keep moving until you get to 50!) -rest
Day 6WOD 140301 Workout 14.1 10-minute AMRAP: 30 double-unders 15 power snatches, 75 / 55 lb.
Day 6WOD 140301 Workout 14.1 10-minute AMRAP: 30 double-unders 15 power snatches, 75 / 55 lb. 7:30 & 8:30 heats for non-competitors… if you need to perform 14.1 in one of those heats, please be sure to arrange to have a judge present. 11:00-1:00 Open competition will take place, heats are first come, first served. Please
140301 Saturday – CFG Open WOD 14.1 Read More »