140407 Monday
Day 1WOD 140407
Day 1WOD 140407 warm-up – Coach’s Choice 5 rounds of:5 thrusters2:00 rest-strive to have 5 rounds of 5 unbroken reps rest 2:00 after 5th round, then…EMOM for 5:00 of:30 seconds straight arm support in rings-try to hold “L” for as long as possible For time:500m row75 hrpu – or – 50 hspu (rx’d only)10:00 CAP
Day 6WOD 140405 warm-up – Coach’s Choice 3 rounds of:30 seconds of strict pull-ups or strict ring rows1:00 rest-rest an additional 2:00 to set up rings-3 rounds of:30 seconds of strict ring dips or hrpu1:00 rest -rest accordingly- For time:21-15-9single arm db power snatch (R) – 45/25single arm db power snatch (L) – 45/25box jumps/step-ups
Day 4 WOD 140403 warm-up – Coach’s Choice EMOM for 10:00 of:3 strict press3 push press (no jerks, and no racks) rest exactly 5:00 EMOM for 16:00 of:on the evens – 3 stone to shoulderon the odds – 150m rownotes:-if you have less than 20 seconds of rest after the row, reduce the distance by