141117 Monday
Day 1WOD 141117
Day 4WOD 141113 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 12:00evens – 3-5 cgbp @ 30X1odds – 10-12 calorie rowrest as needed, then BB. 85-95% effort of:15 wall ball30 t2b/k2e in 5 rep increments15 wall ball50 double unders (100 singles)rest 2min, x 3
Day 3WOD 141112 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. accumulate 50 pull-ups AFAP in increments of 5 reps – OR – accumulate 30 ring muscle-ups AFAP in increments of 3 reps, rest 2min, then BB. accumulate 100 squats AFAP in increments of 20 reps, rest 2min, then CC. accumulate 35 pendlay rows AFAP in increments of
Day 2WOD 141111 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A’s @ 110% effortA1. 20sec… 50’ sled push + AMRAP burpees AFAP, rest 3min then A2 (load sled so you can sprint)A2. 10sec AMRAP hang power cleans + 10sec AD AFAP, barbell range 35-135, rest 3min then A1, x 3 (athletes can start on A or B)rest as