141218 Thursday
Day 4 WOD 141218
Day 4 WOD 141218 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 5-4-3-2-1 cgbp, rest 60-90sec between sets… build to a heavy singleB. 3 x 6 ring row @ 50X1, feet on 20”box, rest 60-90sec between setsC. for time – 50 t2b/k2e – OR – 100 abmat sit-ups+ 3 sets AFAP10-20 double unders (50 singles)3-5 wall climbsrest time=work
Day 3WOD 141217 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 4 ohs @ 42X1, rest 30sec then A2A2. 10 single leg RDL @ 3011, self-loaded, no rest between L&R leg, rest 1:00 then back to A1, x 2-rest as needed-B. for time – 20 burpee pull-ups+6 sets @ 85-90% effort10 calorie row10 db g2oh, total reps, alt
Day 2WOD 141216 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 5 pull-ups, weighted – OR – w/3-5sec negative, rest 30sec then A2A2. db thruster cluster 5. 5. 5 rest 10sec @ dots, rest 1:00 then back to A1, x 3-rest as needed-B1. 5 dips, weighted – OR – w/3-5sec negative, rest 30sec then B2B2. 45sec side bridge
Day 1WOD 141215 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 10 back squats @ 20X0, use same weight for all 3 sets & maintain tempo, rest 30sec then A2A2. hrpu cluster 10. 10. 10 rest 10sec @ dots, rest 1:00 then back to A1, x 3-rest as needed-B. EMOM 5:001-2 power cleans (build to heavy single in