As most Coaches and Leaders do… we reflect on the past in order to learn how to time travel into the future! We are addicted to thinking… thought addicts!
I am no different, and I don't claim to be (different). I don't have all of the answers based on past successes and failures; and I certainly have true fears about my future as a Husband, Father, Coach, Athlete & Business Partner/Owner.
When taking the necessary time to reflect, it creates a process of cycling through seasons… just as nature changes, so must we be able to learn, process and adapt.
I look at 2015 as a tremendous growth experience for me on many levels. I was able to overcome a major surgery, learn to program and train for myself, and release much baggage and hang-ups I had about my position in life, and this world.
A minimal life… happiness comes first. Love conquers all things. What you choose to be and feel at this very moment is the only thing you can control… and it's what matters now. I don't care what others think of me, or how people view my lifestyle. I do what makes me happy, fulfilled and at peace. I own my emotions, actions and feelings; and I don't need anyone's permission to fulfill my destiny. In 2015, I have been inspired to use my position in life to its fullest potential, in helping others feel the same inspiration and guidance through fitness, to improve quality of life in all it's complex glory!
There are still many things I have to accomplish, but I cannot travel into the future… each step I take starting now will lead me where I want to go… "where you look is where you go" is a great quote I have read in several books… just as your car veers in the direction you are looking while driving, so does your life!! If you continue to look into the past, or far ahead into the future… you will miss what's happening right in front of you… you will miss the path set before you… what's happening now!
My review? Hell, it was a great year! My wife and kids are happy and healthy! We have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and good food on the table! We have dependable, safe vehicles to transport us around town. The RedShed is thriving! I feel like I am healthier, stronger and faster than I was last year! I am at peace with myself and no longer carry the baggage of comparing my coaching/leadership ability to my athletic performance. When looking back, I feel like I have accomplished great things in 2015. I have helped many people realize how truly strong they are in Mind, Body and Spirit. All in all, I have remained true to my vision… for me, my family and our company.
2015 wasn't perfect… in fact, we experienced many struggles. But the choice has been made to only learn from the past, and focus on the now… in order to improve the future. Now is the time to take responsibility for how you feel, who you are, and own your actions and emotions!
Just like 2015 wasn't perfect, neither am I… and neither are you! It's cool to screw up, it's OK to fail over and over again… as long as you can be happy with your decisions, let go of blaming others for your screw ups and failures, and take ownership of NOW, and keep your eyes on the prize!
Remember, where you look is where you go!
Look directly into the path to Happiness, Love and Personal Responsibility this year!
yours in love & fitness,
Great post Pat! Happy New Year!
This has certainly been a rollercoaster ride of a year. Our year started with the open where I surprised myself with what I was able to accomplish. Later Hampered by a back injury that that slowly took It’s toll on any goals I set. Then after many visits to physical therapy, MRIs, Xrays,and pain management the hand writing was on the wall. Lamenectomy Surgery! My summer was filled with physical healing and mental preparation. Later I found myself back in physical therapy and soon back in the Shed. We worked on balance and simple movements which were a struggle. I found myself falling mentally. Soon with help I began to find my way with both physically and mentally aspects of my training. Now I’m feeling good and have a good healthy outlook on what I can accomplish. It would not been possible without great family,friends,coaches,and doctors. Thank you.
Great post Coach! 2015 brought me back my confidence and strength that help to build my most important relationships. I’m lookig forward to 2016 and continuing down this path with you…
If you continue to look into the past, or far ahead into the future… you will miss what’s happening right in front of you… you will miss the path set before you… what’s happening now!
What a great message!
I love this post! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing