150119 Monday
Day 1WOD 150119
Day 1WOD 150119 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. back squat 8-6-4-2, build each set, rest 90-120sec between setsB. strict press 8-6-4-2, build each set, rest 90-120sec between sets-rest as need-Barbells are not to exceed 185#…C1. deadlift cluster 5. 5. 5. 5, rest 15 sec @ dots, rest 30sec then C2C2. AMRAP 1:00 – heavy Russian
Do you love your food? Do you love your training? Do you love the way you look… the way you feel? Simple questions that probably don't get asked enough… why? Probably because we don't want to scare you away!! The reality of it is simple… when you take the time to find, clean and
Love, Passion, Your Food, and Your Training Read More »
Shed ClosedRoad Trip to CF Advanced!SnowBrawl 2015 TIME: Info meeting at 8:45, first heat at 9am, finishing around 12pm PLACE: CrossFit Advanced, 3601 Sullivan Trail, Easton, PA 18040
150117 SnowBrawl!! Read More »
Day 4WOD 150115 warm-up – Coach’s Choiceextension of warm-up should build to A A. EMOM 5:001 deadlift + 1 hang squat clean + 1 power jerk-use same weight for all 5 sets-5:00-8:00 easy spin on rower or AD-rest 2min, add 5-10lb to barbell, then B… @ 10:00 on timerB. AMRAP 5:001 deadlift + hang squat
Day 3WOD 150114 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 2 front squats @ 85% of 1RM + 5 jerk drives, perform @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00jerk drive link -rest as needed-B1. 6 pendlay row @ 01X1, rest 30sec then B2B2. 8-12 ring dips + 30sec straight arm support, rest 1min then back to B1, x 3-rest