150425 Saturday
Day 6WOD 150425 WOD – Coach’s Choice Happy Birthday W!!!
Day 4WOD 150423 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 10:00 to establish a heavy 3 rep push press… keep it a press, no jerks! Rest 5:00 and set up at 65-55% of heaviest successful liftB. 5 sets @ about 90% effort (see notes for rope climb sub)1:00 – 1 or 2 rope ascent(s) + max reps
Day 3WOD 150422 warm-up – Coach’s Choice Athletes can start @ A, B, C or D… no more than 3 athletes at one segment, due to only 3 bikesA. AMRAP 6:00 @ 80-90% effort, rest 3min then B7 t2b/k2e/hkr – OR – 14 abmat sit-ups12 med ball cleans – 20/14200’ runB. AMRAP 6:00 @ 80-90%
Hey ShedHeads! We are going to host an invite only Friday Night Lights Competition on May 29th… first WOD will start between 7-7:30pm. (Invite only means this is not open to the public!) We are looking for 4 RedShed Teams based on the competition criteria… if we end up with more than 4 teams that
RedShed Friday Night Lights Invitational Read More »
Day 2WOD 150421 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 5-3-1 cgbp, search for 1RM in 3 sets, perform sets @ 0:00, 3:30, 7:00-perform 10 hollow rocks + 10 supermans during rest periodsB. EMOM 10:00 (see notes for specific directions here)evens – 6-12 pull-ups odds – AMRAP 30sec ohs – barbells not to exceed 95/65-rest as needed-C.
Day 1WOD 150420 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 3 x 8 RFESS @ 77% of 8RM (if you don’t have 8RM, find it today!)tempo = 30X1rest between legs = 30sec side bridge + 30sec FLR + 30sec side bridgerest between sets = 90-120secB1. 10 unbroken deadlifts @ 110 – 65% bodyweight… choose weight according to