150420 Monday
Day 1WOD 150420
Day 4WOD 150416 warm-up – Coach’s Choice Barbells are not to exceed 95/65… loading should allow for high cycle times and consistent effortA. 30sec @ 90% effort (@ 0:00, 25:00)9 sdhp + 3 burpees + max shuttle sprints, rest 4:30 then BB. 30sec @ 90% effort (@ 5:00, 30:00)9 hang power cleans + 3 burpees
Day 3WOD 150415 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 front rack lunges, total reps, alt legs, go immediately to A2A2. 60sec FLR, rest 30sec then A3A3. 5 negative ring rows @ 50X1, go immediately to A4A4. AMRAP 1:00 – ring dips, rest 1:00 then back to A1, x 3-rest as needed-B. For time @ 100%
Day 2WOD 150414 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 10:00 to find 1RM weighted pull-up – OR – accumulate 20-30 repetitions of strict pull-ups, negatives or a combination of both (in 10:00), no rest between A & B, when timer hits 10:00 start BB. 8 rounds tabata hrpu (:20 on, :10 off)-rest as needed-C. 5 sets