150630 Tuesday
Day 2WOD 150630(Repeat WOD 150324) Happy Birthday Coach Colin!!! Click here for birthday wishes
Day 2WOD 150630(Repeat WOD 150324) Happy Birthday Coach Colin!!! Click here for birthday wishes
Day 2WOD 150630(Repeat WOD 150324) warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 pendlay row, rest 30sec then A2A2. db hang clean to overhead cluster, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, rest 10sec @ dots, rest 1:00 then back to A1, x 3-rest as needed-B. For time21-15-9wall ballst2b/k2e/hanging knee raises (hkr)+2 rounds of:10 tgu, total reps, alt arms10
Day 1WOD 150629 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 6-8 RFESS @ 3010 tempo, rest 30sec then A2A2. AMRAP 30sec – ring dips – OR – bench dips, rest 30sec then A3A3. 60sec FLR, rest 1min then back to A1, x 3-rest as needed-B. 5 sets @ 85-95% effort200m run10 deadlifts – barbells not to exceed
Day 5WOD 150626 warm-up – Coach’s Choice Athletes can start at any station… 3 perA. 2:00 max calories – AD, rest 3min then BB. 2:00 max distance – rower, rest 3min then CC. 2:00 – 400m run + max burpees, rest 3min then DD. 200’ sled push – OR – 400’ farmer’s carry, rest 5min
Day 4WOD 150625(Repeat WOD 150204) warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Complete for time, with a 20:00 CAP2000m row30 tgu, total reps, alt arms (keep it manageable, don’t go too heavy here)60 walking lunges90 double unders – OR – 45 bjsd – 24”/20”max rope ascents in time remainingB. post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice