150704 Saturday
Happy 4th of July!!!
Day 5WOD 150703 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 4 x 45sec AD sprint @ 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00-rest to 20:00, then B-B. 4 x 100’ sled push @ 20:00, 25:00, 30:00, 35:00-rest to 40:00, then C-C. AMRAP 5:00 @ 80% effort – burpees to targetD. post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice
Day 4WOD 150702(Repeat WOD 150326) warm-up – Coach’s Choice barbells are not to exceed 95/65 for today’s workloadA. 5 sets @ 85% effort6 deadlifts + 1 sprint + 6 bjsd + 1 sprint + 6 shoulder to overhead + 1 sprint + 6 burpeeswork @ 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00, 20:00, 25:00B. post WOD flexibility –
Day 3WOD 150701 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 8 x 30/30 – rower @ 80% effort-rest as needed, prep for test-Athlete’s Choice… B1 – OR – B2B1. “Nancy”5 rounds for time of:400m run15 ohs – 95/65B2. “Cindy”AMRAP 20:005 pull-ups10 hrpu15 squatsC. post WOD flexibility – Coach’s Choice