151210 Thursday
Day 4WOD 151210
Day 3WOD 151209 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 5 x 10sec AD sprint @ 95+% effortsprint @ 0:00, 2:10, 3:20, 4:30, 5:40-rest as needed, prep for B-B. CFG Open WOD 14.4AMRAP 14:00 of:60 calorie row50 t2b40 wall balls – M=20# to 10’, W=14# to 9’30 power cleans – 135/9520 muscle-upsC. post WOD body maintenance
Day 2WOD 151208 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. sled pull + sled push… workload should be between 40-60secwork @ 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00-rest as needed-B. 5 sets @ 85% effort10 ring dips – OR – 15 box dips50 double unders – OR – 20 bjsd – 24”/20”rest 1minC. post WOD body maintenance
Day 1WOD 151207 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 RFESS each leg, no rest between legs, rest 30sec then A2A2. pull-up cluster – 5. 5. 5. 5, rest 10sec @ dots, rest 2min after last rep then back to A1, x 3-rest as needed-B. 5 x AMRAP 3:00 @ 85-90% effort, rest 2min between AMRAPS15
Day 6WOD 151205 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 12:00 EMOM of:Evens – 2 Back SquatsOdds – 6-10 pullups or 4-8 CTB or 2-4 M-U B. For Time:10 Thrusters – 105/85#1 Burpees over Bar9 Thrusters 2 Burpees over Bar**Continue pattern until 1 Thruster + 10 Burpees over bar** C. Body maintenance