190115 Tuesday
Day 2WOD 190115
Day 2WOD 190115 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 shoulder to overhead… rest 30sec, then A2A2. 8 dumbbell deadlifts… rest 30sec, then A3A3. 8 strict/weighted ring rows… rest 30sec, then A4A4. 8 goblet squats using A2 db… rest 6:00 on timer, then back to A1, x 3… (A1 @ 0:00, 6:00, 12:00)rest to 20:00 on
Day 1WOD 190114 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 x AMRAP 30sec – 3-5 burpees + max jump rope reps… rest 30sec b/t sets… rest to 10:00 on timer, then A2A2. 8 x 30sec row… rest 30sec b/t sets… athletes can start @ A1 or A2rest to 23:00 on timer, then BB. AMRAP 7:00 @
Day 1WOD 190114 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 x AMRAP 30sec – 3-5 burpees + max jump rope reps… rest 30sec b/t sets… rest to 10:00 on timer, then A2A2. 8 x 30sec row… rest 30sec b/t sets… athletes can start @ A1 or A2rest to 23:00 on timer, then BB. AMRAP 7:00 @
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Day 5WOD 190111 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Extension of warm-up6 x 30/30 row/bike/ski… increased effort each setB. 6:00 – 15:00 on timer…clear floor & prep barbells for CC. 5 sets @ 90% effort… barbells nte 155/105… capped when class ends12 deadlifts9 hang power cleans6 shoulder to overhead1 rope climb… +1 rep each round(sub for
Day 4WOD 190110 warm-up – Coach’s Choice Partner WODThursday!A. AMRAP 30:00distance – row/bike/skirounds – 6 kb swings + 12 push-ups + 18 squats*athlete A rows while athlete B performs 1 round of triplet, then athletes switch*add 1 round of triplet each set, each athleteB. post WOD recovery