200405 Rest Day
Rest Day Week of 200406 Preview
Day 1WOD 200406 warm-up – Coach’s Choice (work to increase loads from 200325… if unable to load appropriately, focus on increasing tempo to 44X1)A1. 3 front squats @ 33X1 tempo… no rest b/t A1 & A2A2. 5 high box jumps… no rest b/t A2 & A3A3. 7 strict dual dumbbell press… rest to 3:30 on
Week of 200406 Preview Read More »
Whiteboard Chat Day 5WOD 200403 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 5 sets @ 90% effort20 shoulder to overhead… nte 95/6550 double unders/100 singlesrest 5 min, then BB. AMRAP 10:00 @ 90% effortkb swings… athlete’s choice*execute 3 burpees EMOM, starting @ 0:00D. post WOD recovery – BE STILL FOR 5-10MIN… NO PHONE, NO MUSIC Home/Garage Gym
Whiteboard Chat Day 4WOD 200402 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. barbell landmine single leg hinge… 10 each leg… rest 30sec, then A2A2. half kneeling single arm strict press… 10 each arm… rest 30sec, then A3A3. single arm overhead reverse lunge… 6 each arm, alternating legs… rest 1-2min, then back to A1, x 3-4rest as needed,
Whiteboard Chat Day 3WOD 200401 warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 4 x 5 deadlifts @ 5031 tempo… moderate loading… focus on deliberate body movementrest b/t sets = 4 tgu + 30sec Samson stretch (high dragon) each sidedeadlift @ 0:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:30rest 5min after 4th set, then BB. 5 x 400m run/row @ 90% effort…