200815 Saturday
Day 6WOD 200815 WOD – Coach’s Choice Fitness Outside of the Shed…
Day 5WOD 200814 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Complete workload @ 90% effort… work @ 0:00, 14:00 & 28:00 on timer… goal is for each set to be same time domain… db nte 50/3512-8-4Db power snatchWall ballsPull-ups*execute 30 double unders/50 singles after each completed setB. post WOD recovery
Day 4WOD 200813Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. 4 x 6:00 row/bike… rest 2min b/t setsVariable stroke rate per minute each set:20-22-24-24-22-20Variable RPM per minute each set:65-60-55-55-60-65B. ROMWOD
Day 3WOD 200812 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Complete workload @ 80% effort… barbell nte 75/559-7-5Hang power snatchBurpeesBjsd (24”/20”)Rest to 10:00 on timer, then BB. Complete workload @ 90% effort… barbells nte 95/659-7-5BurpeesBjsd (24”/20”)Hang power snatchRest to 20:00 on timer, then CC. Complete workload @ max effort… barbells nte 115/759-7-5Bjsd (24”/20”)Hang power snatchBurpeesD. post WOD
Day 2WOD 200811 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Goal of today’s training is to increase load on the barbell each set, with no failed repsA. 1 set every 3min for 5 total sets1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 clean & jerk3 burpee pull-ups30 double unders/50 singlesStart B @ 15:00B. 1 set every 3min