210520 Thursday
Day 4WOD 210520Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD
Day 4WOD 210520Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. 8 x 90sec row/bike/ski… rest 1:00 b/t sets(running option – 6 x 400m run… rest 1:00 b/t sets)B. ROMWOD
Day 3WOD 210519 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Wednesday Chipper!A. Complete workload @ 90% effort… time cap is Coach’s Choice100cal row/bike/ski100 air squats75 hrpu50 pull-ups/ring rows400m run50 bjsd/step-ups… 24”20”75 kb sdhp… 24kg/16kg100 air squats100 double unders/x2 singlesB. post WOD recovery
Day 2WOD 210518 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set every 2:00, x 51 squat clean thruster + 3 burpees over bar + 5cal sprint – row/bike/ski… build barbell over 5 sets(work @ 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00)Rest to 15:00, then B… reduce barbell to 80% of AB. 5 sets @ 90% effort… capped @
Day 1WOD 210517 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 RFESS each leg… load is athlete’s choice… rest to top of minute, then A2A2. Pull-up/ring row cluster – 5. 4 .3. 2. 1 – rest 10sec @ dots… rest to 3:00, then back to A1, x 3(A1 @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00)Rest to 13:00, then BB. AMRAP 7:00 @
Day 1WOD 210517 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. 8 RFESS each leg… load is athlete’s choice… rest to top of minute, then A2A2. Pull-up/ring row cluster – 5. 4 .3. 2. 1 – rest 10sec @ dots… rest to 3:00, then back to A1, x 3(A1 @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00)Rest to 13:00, then BB. AMRAP 7:00 @
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