210903 Friday
Day 5WOD 210903 Happy Birthday Mike V!!!
Day 5WOD 210903 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 5:003 unbroken power cleans… build bar over 5 setsRest 5min, then BB. AMRAP 20:00 @ aerobic flow pace… barbells @ 100% of A1 squat clean3 burpees over bar5 hanging abs7 wall balls1 rope climbC. post WOD recovery
Day 4WOD 210902Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 8 x 2:00 @ 90% aerobic effort, rest 1min b/t sets… apparatus is Athlete’s ChoiceB. ROMWOD
Day 3WOD 210901 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A1. @ 0:00, 0:20, 0:40 – execute 5 pull-ups (ring rows, jumping, kipping)… rest to 2:00 on timer, then A2A2. 4 rounds – Tabata bottom to bottom squats… rest 2min after 4th set of tabata, then back to A1, x 2Rest 5min after the A’s, then BB. AMRAP