Thursday 230420
Day 4 Thursday 230420 5:30pm Olympic Lifting A. AMRAP 24:00 800m run OR 1000m row/ski OR 2000m bike 2:00 rest
Day 4 Thursday 230420 5:30pm Olympic Lifting A. AMRAP 24:00 800m run OR 1000m row/ski OR 2000m bike 2:00 rest
Day 3 Wednesday 230419 A. *AMRAP 30:00 Apparatus distance *at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 5 thrusters + 5 burpees *at 3:00, 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, 27:00 10 rr or 7 pull-ups or 5 c2b or 3 bmu + 30du/60 singles
Day 2 Tuesday 230418 A. 5×1 Overhead or Front squat 1 squat every 1:30 Be at your previous week weight by set 2 or 3 and continue to build to a heavy single Rest 3:30 then B 20:00 running clock B. 21-15-9 135/95 Deadlift Push-up Rest 3:00 then C C. 21-15-9 135/95 V-ups Push
Day 1 Monday 230417 A1. 30sec negatives, rest TOM then A2 A2, 6-10 pistols or single leg step ups, rest TOM then A3 A3. 40 weighted Russian twists rest to 4:00 then back to A1 x3 Rest to 12:00 then B B. 400m run Rest to 17:00 then C C. AMRAP 12:00 Quarterfinals Individual
Day 5 Friday 230414 Happy 41st Birthday Coach Shawn! A. 1 set every 4:00 x 3 20sec deadlift hold into 20sec front rack hold into 20sec overhead hold 200m run Build barbell each set Rest to 15 then B B. AMRAP 20:00 4 clean & jerk at 100% of A 4 pull-up & t2b
Day 4 Thursday 230413 5:30pm Olympic Lifting Start of 4 week Snatch cycle A. AMRAP 24:00 Pick one: 750m row/ski 1500m bike 600m run 1:30 rest B. Yoga
Day 3 Wednesday 230412 Athletes can start at A, B, or C no more than 4 athletes to a station A. AMRAP 7:00 15/12 cal Ski 20 wallballs Rest 3:00 B. AMRAP 7:00 15/12 cal row 5-7 wallclimbs Rest 3:00 C. AMRAP 7:00 10/8 cal assault bike 7-9 burpee deadlifts 75/50
Day 2 Tuesday 230411 A. 5×3 Overhead or Front squats 1 set every 1:30 x 5 80-90% of last successful weight from 230404 Rest to 10:00 (2:30) then B B. EMOM 20:00 Farmer’s Carry Overhead Lunges nte 45# plate Burpees Rest